Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Assignment 2 - extension

A couple of groups have approached me asking for an extension to the assignment deadline into next week. Unfortunately this is not possible since the peer-assessment must be completed before the end of semester (next week). However...

If you wish to work on your assignment over this coming weekend I will allow you to do so. Usually, on Friday afternoon at the time of the deadline, I would go over the assignments that are online to make sure they are all working and let groups know if I spot any errors. As I am allowing you to work on the assignments over the weekend, I will not be able to do this. Hence, if the peer assessment system opens on Monday morning and your assignment is not working or it is not online when a student assesses it, it will be ranked "worst" and there will be no way to change this. I.e. all assignments must be working by the time the peer assessment system opens!

I hope this arrangement is acceptable to you. It applies to all groups equally as I do not want some groups to have more time (or less) than others.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Powerpoint is on the axis of evil

An interesting article on the evils of Powerpoint (

Read it keeping in mind our lecture on Information Design and compare what is usually presented on powerpoint slides with some of the examples from that lecture.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Assignment 1 - marks available

You may now login to receive your assignment 1 marks. Please note that these results do not make allowances for the following:
  • late peer assessment (without special consideration etc.)
    Penalty = 10% of your assignment mark from the late submission time onwards and a further 10% for each extra 24 hours capped at 50% of your assignment mark. I.e. as long as you eventually complete this task the lowest result you can achieve for assignment 1 is 50% of your original result.

  • reduced assignment group size
    Bonus = 10% of your assignment mark per group member down.
These adjustments will be incorporated into end-of-semester result calculations.